8/18/1872 – 5/6/1947
Daniel Patrick

Mary Agnes Corcoran


- children:
Arthur Sullivan
Burke Sullivan
Celestine Sullivan
Sullivan Reichert
Sullivan Ryan
Margaret Mary Sullivan
Roosevelt Thomas Sullivan
Revere Sullivan
Married at St Francis Xaviers Church
on W. 16th St
Performed by Very Rev. E. X. Fink
late pres of Gonzaga College, Wash. DC. Honeymoon
spent in Saratoga Springs
Home will be “Rivera” 630-632 W. 189th
Miss Helen J. Kane was bridesmaid and
Michael J. Corcoran best man
Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P.W.
Corcoran, 204 West 11th Street
and is a favorite in the Harlem Social

Wedding Announcement:

Residence (s):
Saratoga Springs, NY - Directory 1870 - 1884
Amsterdam, NY - Directory
1889 - 1900
York, City -
Census |
Census -
Bronx Assembly District 35,
New York, New York
Census -
Bronx Assembly District 8,
Bronx, New York |
Census -
Bronx, Bronx, New York
Picture of Edmund, Arthur and
Margaret Mary Sullivan

Margaret Mary
Arthur and Edmund
Born 8/18/1872
in Saratoga Springs, NY
Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary,
Schuylerville NY Sep 19, 1872
Timothy and Honora Connor
John Sullivan and Mary Walsh
1897 -
Enlisted for 6 years in the 69th Regimen in NY
during the Spanish American War arising from
private to captain
Fordham University
to St Francis Xavier College and completed a AB
Degree in 1896 and MA in 1897
New York Law School
Admitted to
the Bar in 1900 and practiced Law until his
retirement in 1938
From Feb 1,
1897 to 1920 was in continuous employment with
New York State (absent terms in Military
Clerk for the Corporations Counsel Office in
the Magistrates Courts
18 yrs
as Clerk of the Supreme Court first
Department in New York and Bronx Counties
In the
legal department of U.S. Casualty Insurance
1929-1937 Assistant N.Y. Attorney General
enlisted in the Army 105th Infantry Twenty
Seventh Division, AEF. He served in Ypres,
Flanders. See 'Digging up the trenches', a
documentary about the trench warfare in Ypres,
Flanders. The documentary is often seen on the
History and Military channels.
Aug 6th 1918
took over as senior officer in Yves Belgium as
temporary command of his company.
He would later serve as Lt Colonel in the
organizer and first commander of the Bronx
American Legion. In 1925 he was the
unsuccessful candidate for the Bronx County
Daniel was a republican in NYC when politics was
dominated by the democratic party machine.
This is a picture of the Bronx Republican Party;
Mary C. seated second from the right, Daniel, first,
top row.

President of the Fordham-Bedford Park Community
Counsel, he served as the chairman of the
legions Bronx County Memorial Committee which
dedicated nearly 1000 tree memorials to the WWI
Took part
in holding down the rents in New York State
Military Records:
Daniel P. Sullivan P, 2, Lt 69 NY Inf
US Army Historical Register 1789-1903 V2
an article 'Col. Daniel Sullivan 1st Legion
1930 census:
age 58 lawyer NY State
vet – sp ww, district 638, address 2384, value 110,
Mary-W 47, Arthur 21 inspector Electric Light,
Edmond 20 Bookkeeper - Stockbroker,
Celestine 17,
Eileen 15, Ursula 13, Theodore 7, Paul 5
regimen in Spanish Amer War, promoted to Captain.
Degrees at St Francis Xavier College and NY Law
Biography Index: A cumulative index
to biographical material in books and magazines.
Vol 1 Jan, 1946-July, 1949 NY: H.W. Wilson Co. 1949
(Bioln 1)
Lived in the south during the Spanish American War
fever epidemic and nursed Captain D.P. Sullivan back
to health. He was in the 69th regimen.
Harrington, Oct 12 1956)
Helen Sullivan Culyer to Judge Sweeney; Nov 14, 1963
I'm rereading your 1975 letter, I see that your Aunt
Mary Collins was fond of Uncle Dan - he was a
charmer in looks and wit - had recalled that one of
the Sullivans had lived with your mother for awhile.
That might have been my Grandfather Florence who I
was told lived with his sister when he first came to
the U.S." (Helen Culyer to Judge Sweeney; July 11th,
"In your
letter you mention Daniel Sullivan and Charles
Sullivan. When I was a young boy they used to
come here summers. My Aunt Mary had a close
contact with them. My Aunt lived in Alabama at
one time and I can remember her telling me, and I
believe it was the Spanish American War, Dan
Sullivan was stationed there and used to come to her
home. He apparently got a promotion and she
had to sew on the insignia of his rank, which she
promptly did, but put them on backwards. She
was always fond of Dan. (Michael
E. Sweeney to Helen Sullivan Culyer; May 9, 1975)
"My father
was Peter Arthur, his brothers Charles, Michael,
Florence and Daniel, the first two brothers, all
handsome. Their father was Florence, their
Uncle, Michael Emmett, whose sons were Emmett and
Earl. ... They were great people our
forbearers. It followed that their
descendents inherited noble standards as well as the
good health. I remember my uncles especially
Uncle Charlie ... so proud of." (Helen
Sullivan Culyer to Judge Sweeney; May 14, 1975)
Sweeney MacDonald Collins)
Lived in the south during the Spanish American
War fever epidemic and nursed Captain D.P.
Sullivan back to health. He was in the
69th regimen.(Margaret
Harrington, Oct 12 1956)
Sweeney MacDonald Collins)
For years she lived in Alabama as the wife of
MacDonald . Mary was a wonderful woman.
As both her husbands had money, she was able to
educate her nieces and nephews. The girls
graduated from Skidmore; John is a doctor in
Washington D.C., and Michael is a lawyer here.
Harrington to Helen Culyer, July 20 1953)
From 1924 to 1931, Frank
Sullivan was a humorist for the New York World.
He was born in Saratoga
Springs, New York. He reported part-time for the
Saratogian while in High School, then in 1914 he graduated
with an A.B. from Cornell University and returned to work
for the Saratogian, where he worked until he was drafted in
1917. Upon his discharge Sullivan moved to New York
and first worked for the Herald, then the Sun, and finally
in 1922 the World. Here he began as a reporter/feature
writer. He briefly did a news column, but his editor,
Herbert Bayard Swope, saw his unusual talent for humor and
made him a columnist in 1924.
As a humorist, Sullivan was
known for his gentle touch and for the collection of
fictitious characters as created: Aunt Sally Gallup, Martha
Hepplethwaite, the Forgotten Bach (a member of the Bach
family who was tone deaf), and Mr. Arbuthnot, the
cliché expert. Sullivan wrote his column until the World
closed down in 1931, but he had also been writing humor
articles for the New Yorker since 1926 and continued to do
so until the 1950's. He was also one of the celebrated
Algonquin Round Table wits. A lifelong bachelor,
Sullivan returned to his childhood home in Saratoga Springs
in the 1960's and lived there until his death in 1976.
He also contributed to Harper's, Atlantic Monthly, Good
Housekeeping, and other magazines and published a dozen
humor books.
List of Frank Sullivan's works
Guide to the Frank Sullivan Collection,
Excepts from Frank Sullivan at his Best
Original letters
and documents can be found at the
Saratoga Springs History Museum Canfield
Casino Historical Society in Congress Park
Saratoga Springs, NY.
index to the
archives is currently being built.
If approved, it will be available online for
search purposes.
grew up at 177 Lincoln, Saratoga
Springs, NY.
Lincoln where he
lived in later
Points Grocery store
he where shopped.

His works:
Frank Sullivan
at His Best
The Adventures
Of The Pink Shovel And The Red Pail
A Moose in the
A Pearl in
Every Oyster
A Rock in
Every Snowball
Archive of
nineteen letters and cards by the American humorist,
Letter, Signed, to Edith
Broccoli and
Old Lace
card, signed to Edith
greetings ephemera
Frank Sullivan
Through The Looking Glass: A Collection Of His Letters
And Pieces
Group of
In One Ear
Let nothing
you dismay: Selected writings of Frank Sullivan
Life And Times
Of Martha Hepplethwaite. Boni & Liveright Ny 1926
Life of the
Sullivan Bites
News: Perverse News Items
The Life and
Times of Martha Hepplethwaite
The Night the
Old Nostalgia
The Night the
Old Nostalgia Burned Down
- Through the Looking Glass:
Letters, Pieces, Etc